Weight Lifting to Burn a Pound - A Guide For Beginners

Weight lifting to lose weight might sound a little surprising to you, however is weight lifting really useful for losing weight fast? Very few of us would know the answer to that question. Even though most of us think of exercises like jogging, cycling, swimming etc as being good for our health and fitness, few of us actually know how effective weight lifting is. Through this article, would try to understand whether weight lifting is effective in burning calories and how does it benefit us as individuals.

What is this thing called active recovery? This is a concept that has been around for quite some time now. Its principle is that you should have a series of workouts that are designed to stimulate the body to produce certain hormones and enzymes that are effective when it comes to repairing damaged cells. For instance, during a cardio workout, you will be working your heart muscles to pump blood around your body and at the same time you'll also be engaging in muscular, active recovery, meaning you'll be working muscles while at rest. This is what we call active recovery.

The problem is, your body will stop producing these enzymes/tissues when at least 500 calories have been burned. So, basically the idea is, "let the fat burn", and after it's done, we can then engage in weight lifting to lose a pound or two. And here's where things get ugly. If we keep engaging in this routine, no matter how much we lose a pound or two, eventually we'll all be overweight!

Now don't get me wrong, cardio training is great. I think it's one of the most important aspects of a complete exercise program. I've known some people who would never exercise without it. But for weight lifting to lose a pound, you need to incorporate a complete cardio workout along with anaerobic exercise training (e.g., strength training). You see, aerobic activity burns more calories overall than anaerobic exercise, even when the exercises are performed at a high intensity.

What is this comprehensive weight lifting to weight loss strategy that I'm talking about? Basically, this is the technique of pairing anaerobic exercise with high intensity (i.e., high calorie) weight lifting in order to maximize the fat loss and fat burning potential of each session. It involves several types of weight lifting to lose weight that can be used in a basic pairings such as: lunges, squat thrusts, chest presses, and dead lifts. However, it's also possible to mix and match these movements in order to create a personalized weight loss exercise program that is specific to your needs. And best of all, you don't need a gym membership, dumbbells, or exercise equipment!

To begin this process, it's important to choose a weight lifting to lose weight program that fits your lifestyle. For instance, if you smoke, you shouldn't lift weights in order to reduce your chances of developing health issues due to smoking. If you're a vegetarian, you probably don't want to add extra protein to your diet by doing squats or bench pressing. By choosing exercises and weight schemes that fit your lifestyle, you'll be able to get maximum results from every session.

You'll also need to consider the amount of time you have to devote to your weight lifting to lose a pound. Although a circuit training program may look impressive, it may take you several months to see significant results. Therefore, if you have a busy schedule and/or limited time available, you might want to think about looking into alternative options such as speed and plyometric workouts. With plyometrics, you'll burn more calories per minute during your workout, so you can drastically increase your calorie burning rate within weeks and often cut your workout time by half during this time.

Finally, you'll need to make sure that your weight-loss goals are realistic. If you set yourself a goal to lose one pound per week, you should only do three to four sets of exercise per week. Doing too much resistance training will likely lead to injuries and burnout. Your goal should be to find exercises and weight training that fit your lifestyle, so you can start seeing results in a few months.


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