Weight Lifting To Lose Weight - What's The Best Way To Combine Weight Lifting With Cardio Training?
Weight lifting is very effective in losing fat and building muscles. If you want to lose weight and build muscle at the same time, weight lifting is the way to go. If you have never weight trained before and you don't know what to do, here are some pointers that will help you:

Before doing your weight lifting routine, you must make sure that you are in good shape physically. You should be healthy and strong and have a good diet plan that consists mainly of vegetables, lean meat and protein. If you like cardio, you can include it with your weight lifting routine or you can switch to another exercise such as jogging or running. For the average beginner, you can try adding weights but be sure that your form is perfect all the time, otherwise you will just end up hurting yourself.
If you are going to do some step three, it must be something that has a balancing effect. For example, standing on the balls of your feet while stepping on a pair of dumbbells is not a good idea. A good exercise would be to bend your knees slightly and raise one dumbbell with each knee by bending your knees. Another example would be doing pushups while keeping both feet on the floor.
Another thing you must know is that not all weight lifting is the same. The only true way to lose fat is to have low calorie diets and to train hard. Most people that want to lose weight do not do this, which is why they are always finding excuses such as "I can't lose weight" or "I can't do step two". While it is possible to use weight lifting to lose fat, these methods always result in failure.
As far as weight lifting to achieve weight loss goes, there are two ways that I think are the best. The first is what is known as interval training. This method consists of short bursts of high intensity exercise followed by a long period of low intensity exercise. The long periods of low intensity can be used to build stamina, burn calories, and even improve cardiovascular fitness. It is considered to be a very effective weight loss routine.
The second type of weight lifting exercises is usually called compound weight lifting exercises. This method of exercise focuses on using several different muscle groups to promote overall toning and strength. An example would be doing bench presses with dumbbells and shoulder presses with free weight. Other types of compound exercises include deadlifts, squats, dips, cleans, and shoulder presses with weight machines. This type of weight loss exercises routine will give you maximum results in a shorter period of time.
One of my favorite methods for strength training is known as periodization. Periodization means slowly increasing the weights or reps in a workout over a specified period of time. For instance, if someone starts out a strength training program by doing 200 total reps per workout, and ends with doing 400 total reps, he or she should complete four cycles of that amount per week. Then after that cycle, the person can go back to doing a workout of 500 reps. The cycles can even be spread out over a few months instead of a couple weeks.
Lastly, we have to talk about i.e. cardio training. Cardio training helps you lose body mass by burning calories that are stored as fat if not burned off. For this reason, many weightlifters prefer to only do cardio training when they are cutting fat and trying to gain muscle.
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