Can Laxatives Help You Lose Weight?

If you are asking yourself, do laxatives help you lose weight? Then you need to ask yourself whether or not the laxatives are doing any good for your body. After all, in order to do something there has to be a reason and the same can be said for taking laxatives. They are not going to do anything that is going to improve your health and in fact they can do more harm to your health. This article will discuss whether or not you should be considering using laxatives to lose weight.

To begin with, let's look at why people use laxatives in order to lose weight. The most popular reason is that overweight people find it extremely hard to control their food intake. For instance, if you go on a diet and you keep on eating every time you go back to the same restaurant, then sooner or later you are going to get sick of this and start to gain weight. The main problem here is that it takes you longer to return to your normal weight and when you do return you might not have gained much in the way of pounds lost.

The second reason that people use laxatives in order to lose weight is that it does not require them to exercise. All you have to do is take a pill every time you want to have a bowel movement. Some people think that this is a bad thing but it is really no big deal. The only thing you have to watch out for is not overusing laxatives and that can cause some damage to your health.

Do laxatives help you lose weight? In short they do not. If you have been struggling with your weight for any length of time then I am sure you are beginning to realize that diet and exercise do not always work. Laxatives are another story and I do not mean to discourage you from using them but rather to give you an alternative option.

There are many different types of weight loss pills on the market today and most of them will claim that they can help you lose weight. The truth is that none of them can do this by themselves. They are there to support you in whatever steps that you take to achieve your weight loss goal. Most of these are also appetite suppressants so that you are not hungry all of the time.

One type of product that people use as a form of weight loss aid is called Hoodia. This is a dietary supplement that has become increasingly popular over the past couple of years. It was actually discovered by accident but people have been taking it to help with weight loss since then. You do have to be very careful with this product as it is still a medical drug and is not to be used with other medications. When you use it be sure to consult your doctor first and do not use it if you are currently taking prescription medication for high blood pressure, diabetes or any other illness.

Many people use Hoodia to help deal with cravings. It is much more effective than most of the diet drugs on the market because it does not work by altering your appetite. It works by affecting your central nervous system so that you do not feel hungry. The best way to take it is to take it with juice or in some kind of liquid supplement.

Another weight loss product that people use to lose weight is called Prozac. People who take Prozac have reported losing about a pound a week. It appears to work by reducing your desire to eat. The only drawback of this product is that you need to take it for a couple of weeks before you will see any results. Many people also use laxatives in addition to Prozac for faster weight loss.


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