Weight Lifting Routine for Women - How to Lose Weight Fast With Simple Weight Lifting Routines

Weight lifting is the best way to achieve your target weight in the shortest time possible. Weight lifting to lose weight can be done with lower repetitions, lighter weights and high frequency of exercises. If you have done all these steps successfully then your weight lifting to lose weight is almost done. There are some important things to follow while weight lifting to lose weight and you need to follow them properly so that you get maximum benefit out of weight lifting. Let's discuss some of these points:

As per my opinion, it is better to workout routine on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday than on any other days. For the intermediate level individuals, you could add 10 pounds, but ensure that your form is correct most of the time. If you prefer, you could also opt for other weight lifting workout routine such as push-pull, upper-low, pull-down and so on. It will help you to workout efficiently. In case you are a beginner, I would suggest that you workout routine on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

You need to take proper diet so that you don't suffer from any cardio side effects while weight lifting to lose weight. You must take plenty of fruits and vegetables. You should not eat junk foods or processed foodstuff. You should follow an ideal diet plan that will help you reduce your weight and maintain it for a long period of time.

The number one factor that stops most people from losing weight is lack of appetite. They take dieting very lightly and do very less physical exercises. If you want to achieve your weight loss goals, you need to exercise with high intensity and do a high number of repetitions. If you take dieting lightly, it may take you long time to achieve your desired weight and shape.

Cardio training is very important in order to burn calories and lose weight. There are many types of cardio training, which you can do for your weight lifting routine. The circuit training is the best way to lose your body mass. You can do this by having long periods of rest and then doing fast intermittent bursts of exercise such as swimming, cycling, rowing, dancing etc.

You need to have high intensity activity or cardio session for approximately half an hour, per week. This will help to burn more calories and gain more muscle mass. If you have adopted a good cardio routine, it will certainly help you achieve your weight lifting goals. To burn extra calories, you need to do fast activity such as sprinting, cycling etc. For best results, you should adopt short but intense cardio sessions instead of long, slow cardio sessions, which do not provide you with enough calories to burn.

Another important weight lifting routine for weight loss is resistance training. In order to increase your metabolism, you need to have resistance training. Weight lifting weights with low resistance will not be effective for increasing your metabolic rate; instead you should opt for heavier resistance training and higher reps. You should try to do heavy weight lifting for three times a week or you should increase your rep number by ten percent.

For losing weight, you have to have a great workout program that is not over doing it. The best workout program includes exercises like aerobics, cardio, strength training and core training. Also, you should include some cardiovascular exercises like jogging, walking, swimming etc. In addition, there should be some forms of relaxation exercises like yoga, tai chi etc. You should have a balanced weight loss diet that includes proteins, fruits and vegetables as well as the main food groups. You should also ensure that your body gets all the essential vitamins and nutrients.


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