Do Laxatives Help You Lose Weight?

Are you wondering do laxatives help you lose weight? This is a question that I get asked quite often. Before answering the question do you need to do laxatives to lose weight, it is important that we first understand what they do and why they are effective in helping you lose weight. When you do decide to go down this road do so under the supervision of your physician.

Laxatives are quite effective when it comes to assisting in weight loss. This is due to the fact that it speeds up the metabolism and as a result burns more fat and calories. However do note that weight loss is not the only benefit you will receive by using this approach. You will also be increasing your ability to absorb nutrients and as a result helping your body to become more efficient at processing foods.

So just how does this work? It's all about the food digestion and metabolism. The food digestion process involves your large intestine, moving stool along to the small bowel where it is absorbed. The small bowel then absorbs the food and expels it from your body in waste form. The idea of doing this constantly is to help you burn more calories and lose weight. As a result of this your body will become more efficient at absorbing nutrients and this will occur as you continue your diet.

As you can imagine as this happens your appetite will naturally decrease and as a result you may find that you eat less. This is a good thing because it helps you stick to your diet. One of the biggest benefits of using this method to lose weight is the fact that the stool you take will be full of nutrients and as such as not to be wasted. There is always the chance that you may end up taking more food than you can handle, however this is not going to be the case with this method. You are simply flushing out waste, rather than throwing away food.

You see the reason why people use laxatives in order to lose weight is because it is a great way to curb cravings. It's not unusual for us to have cravings for something that we typically wouldn't normally bite into. We may be craving chocolate or something else that we know we shouldn't be eating. This is why laxatives are so useful as they are able to reduce your urge to indulge in these foods. However they also remove all the fluids from your system, which means that after a while you won't be as hungry as you were before you took the laxatives.

This means that you are still able to lose weight. The only problem is that you will be consuming far fewer calories than before. Whilst you are using these products to help you lose weight you aren't actually burning any off. As a result your dieting efforts are going to be less effective. If you want to ensure that you do lose weight then you must make sure that you are incorporating a high protein and low calorie diet into your daily routine.

It really is a case of eating more food than you normally would, but at the same time eating fewer calories. This can be done by eating three meals a day, as well as having high protein and low calorie snacks throughout the day. As long as you keep up this routine to your diet will be able to help you lose weight. As a quick guide you may want to try and eat as much protein from protein sources such as fish and chicken as possible. Whilst vegetables are ideal to have throughout the day as they contain plenty of nutrients. As well as eating plenty of protein it is also important to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Laxatives may help you lose weight, but they should only be used in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise. If you continue to have excess weight after only a few weeks, then you may be putting yourself at risk for many other problems. If you find that you have gained too much weight and are not able to lose it, then you should contact your doctor to talk about other options. Choosing an unhealthy way to lose weight will not result in lasting results.


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